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  1. @ab.support.serhii I have the plugin but I couldn't find any explanation in the documentation on how to do this. It was working before v4.18.x. I'm reinstalling the new version from scratch but I couldn't succeed.
  2. @ab.support.serhii https://abd-63618a6eec.demos.abt.team/brands-en/ I want make do But how
  3. Yes, my settings are correct but the brand logos are not visible https://abd-8915332272.demos.abt.team/index.php?dispatch=product_features.view_all&filter_id=10
  4. Allow to display brand logo. There following steps are required: assign option "Brand feature ID" in the "General" section of theme settings; at feature set the checkbox "Show in product list"; load an image for feature variant Brand. I did what was requested but the brand logo images are not visible on my brand page. What can be done? It didn't work on the demo page either? How can I activate brand logo images? Tank you..
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