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  1. I try with this setting (Resize the background image to cover the entire container, even if it has to stretch the image or cut a little bit off one of the edges) and background-position: right; without background-position: right; (Without this, the background will be cut in an unwanted place)
  2. Hi, I use my homepage banner with this setting (Resize the background image to make sure the image is fully visible inside of the block). Everything is fine on a large screen, but on a small screen like a laptop the image shifts. I tried with User CSS-class Enlarge image, Container by image width etc... it doesn't work. what am I doing wrong here ? large screen small screen
  3. Hi, I would like to create a block on the product page with best-selling products from the same category. This code has worked very well so far with Responsive theme und Energothemes but now with UniTheme it doesn't work anymore. what could it be? I think there is a conflict with this file: /app/addons/abt__unitheme2/schemas/block_manager/blocks.post.php the code I have used so far : app addons bestsellers schemas block_manager blocks.post.php $schema['products']['content']['items']['fillings']['bestsellers'] = array ( 'params' => array ( 'bestsellers' => true, 'sales_amount_from' => 1, 'include_child_variations' => true, 'sort_by' => 'sales_amount', 'sort_order' => 'desc', 'request' => array ( 'cid' => '%CATEGORY_ID' ), 'session' => array( 'cid' => '%CURRENT_CATEGORY_ID%' ) ), );
  4. I created another block with AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons and AB: Onclick-dropdown (external allocation) wrapper. and it works. but I think an additional block will make the page slower, right? (marked categories blocks first grid hidden-phone hidden-tablet second grid hidden-desktop) and the fly menu... I think it looks better with category images.
  5. @ab.support.serhii I think you misunderstood me. it works very well with Advanced Layout. but with Layout Light v3 it looks like this...
  6. Hi, sometimes it takes longer for the page to load and you think that's all. That's why it would be nice if there was an Loading animation.
  7. Hi, I want this button of the bottom sticky navigation panel for categories and not for fly menu. When I click on the button the menu is displayed like this... It only shows up properly when I change the wrappers.. Am I doing something wrong here? Demo: https://abd-d39e72dacf.demos.abt.team/
  8. Hello, I want the menu with row filling, but by Row Filling the categories move downwards. Column filling ok.. but by Row Filling the categories move downwards. Demo: https://abd-d39e72dacf.demos.abt.team/
  9. it would be nice if you could deactivate it.
  10. replayer

    Hidden categories

    Hi, Hidden Categories are displayed on the Find similar block with "Product categories list" template.
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