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Весь контент Jacek

  1. In the checkout the fields phone and email have big space between them: https://ibb.co/R4XZpSP
  2. Hi, how to change the display template in unitheme? There is no block in layout of unitheme products and in settings for unitheme there is no such setting. As far as I understand from the video it's better to use AB: Light scroller because of the better perfomance? Am I right or should I take no action because it's already optimized in unitheme? Thanks for the clarification
  3. Add translation through the admin panel and add missing transaltion. It should help
  4. @maksimist @ab.wsparcie.serjI have the same problem with 8 banners span2 after upgrade. Ticket number: 6Y4-4UX-ZB42 The problem is with flex-basis: 200px; How to fix it?
  5. Ok. So should I write a ticket directly to cs-cart about it? If yes, could you reply in the ticket what information should I attach and what exactly is the problem? Thanks in advance
  6. Seems really cool. 2 things: 1) Is it necessary to have 2 categorry buttons in the header? 2) I haven't seen the bug fix with images changing on hoover for feature pages (Ticket: TJA-GEM-7ZLU) Will you release the bug fix in 4.16.2.b?
  7. Everything works great! Thanks!
  8. I would like to see an addon that generates meta-title and meta-description based on product description in bulk. In my opinion it would be awesome.
  9. @ab.support.serj Hi, sorry for asking the same question again but do you have a release date? I'm waiting for bug fixes that are in 1.3.5 and it's taking some time ;-/
  10. Hi, do you have any information about fixing the bug with layout shifting with fast navigation? I've written a ticket about it (NPS-GP8-P3YP). When will the next version with the fix released?
  11. @ab.support.serjYeah, setting max_fonts_to_preload = 0 fixed the issue (I got rid of all of the duplication problems). What's interesting is that new tweaks and settings are not added to current config.local.php during updates so I was unaware about this setting. I think that right now there is a conflict between your preload addon and cs-cart preload tweak. You can reproduce it on your demo: https://apparel.mv.unitheme.net/ Maybe it's worth asking cs-cart to add hook to disable this setting when preload addon is active. I believe that many people are not aware about the problem.
  12. Hi, I have a question regarding fonts. I've changed fonts on the site via styles/data/white.less file modification and I'm not using MuseoSansBlack right now at all (I'm using opensans). 1) Is this a correct way to change font? Maybe you could add information in documentation how to do this? 2) How to get rid of MuseoSansBlack font preload? It still shows in console as preloaded even though it's not used at all.
  13. A few months went by. Any news about update? This task got many votes:
  14. I also thought about it. It would be cool to have a cron job to check if video exists via YouTube API list method https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/videos/list#usage and bulk delete videos
  15. @alexbrandingDo you have any thoughts about this? In my opinion it's a great idea. I've migrated from youpi to unitheme and I have no regrets. The only feature I miss from youpi is this one.
  16. @Zap800 I would be interested in adapting this addon to the newest unitheme version and fixing bugs that are in the current version. If you want we can split the cost of this.
  17. I'm also interested in this feature. I'm using bitrix and there is an option to add events in js to show the widget: https://helpdesk.bitrix24.com/open/8772927/ Please add this feature!
  18. *Google Translate* Не могли бы вы добавить в стратегию рассылки такие же возможности выбора, как в AB: Advanced Product Export, на вкладках включать объекты данных и исключать объекты данных? В настоящее время нет возможности настроить таргетинг на функции продукта, например. Товары данной категории под брендом XYZ. Также очень помогло бы исключение данных продуктов, скриншоты для справки ниже:
  19. Hi, could you add in newsletter strategy similar selection possibilities as in AB: Advanced Product Export in the tabs include data objects and exclude data objects? Right now there is no possibility to target product features, e.g. Products within given category with brand XYZ. Also exluding given products would help alot, the screenshot for reference below:
  20. Hi, when can we expect the update with new features (icons based on features on product pages)? Thanks in advance
  21. You're missing additional grid which contains all of the blocks on the left side. Check demos.abt.team
  22. Any news about the update? When can we expect it and what will be the scope of the update?
  23. Hi, is there an integration between custom h1 pro and product feed export addons? I would like to add a logic to my feed templates to display in the feed custom_h1_pro if it's not empty. Is it possible in the current version? //Pseudo code {if $product.custom_h1_pro}{$product.cusotm_h1_pro}{else}{$product.product}{/if}
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