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Post #13610 Опубликовано (изменено)



my marketplace is *URL deleted*.

I have a problem with my logo. Sometimes it seems OK, for example with an iMac or a smartphone, sometimes a distorsion appears, for example with an iPad or a MacBook Pro. 

Could you help me?


Furthermore, by the first picture below, you will see, that the picture isn’t mine! It’s an Drone, an the text is a publicity for this drone...😬






Logo_WIEGOTTINFRANKREICH- NOIR transparent -removebg-preview.png


Изменено пользователем ab.support.serhii
Remove the site URL and hide the images in a spoiler
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Post #13614 Опубликовано

@WIEGOTTINFRANKREICH create a ticket to our technical support with site access to investigate the issue.

In the ticket, also describe on which specific device the problem occurs (there are many versions of iPads and MacBooks), the OS version on this device and which browser you are using.
And it will be helpful to attach a screenshot taken on that device rather than a photo of the device itself.

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