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Post #4295 Опубликовано

Its nice that UniTheme comes with icons we can use,, however, I would like to upload my own custom created icon  so use on the "Motivation Block". I made the icon in the style of the default icons and I would like help with directions on how I can put it to use.

Many thanks.

Post #4302 Опубликовано

@ab.support.serjI was going to do that but wasn’t sure if the icon will be resized automatically to the size of the other motivation block system icons enabled from stickers backend. Can you confirm if the icon uploaded as an image will automatically be resized?

Post #4313 Опубликовано

@ab.support.serjThough I wish there was a way to access large image source files for icons used in UniTheme so as to learn how to create icons that are similar in design style. For example, right now my custom icons look thinner than the default uniTheme icons and I have no idea how thick the margins of uniTheme's icons are.


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Post #4317 Опубликовано

@Undercover these icons are added to theme as vector glyphs through a separate font.

You can drop .woff file


to this service


and see how they are implemented.

The theme does not provide the ability to embed custom icons in this font.

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