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Post #3671 Опубликовано

In the theme setting, there is an option to show features on the product list, and by default the number is 2 and is shown on grid view correctly. Can you add this to be shown on other views such as light grid as well? Also, find a way to implement the features to only show the variants without the name of the feature especially on mobile. Example, the name is "Storage: .........8GB", when displaying this in the product list view, you can only display the "8GB" variant.



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Post #3682 Опубликовано


"Can you add this to be shown on other views such as light grid as well?"

"Also, find a way to implement the features to only show the variants without the name of the feature"

You can create two separate suggestions - they will be submitted for general discussion.


Here's how to create bugs/suggestions:



Post #3696 Опубликовано

Add the ability to show feature variants in the AB: light scroller and grid views (currently its only shown on default grid view).  Instead of showing the feature name example, "Storage.........8GB" just show 8GB on mobile. See screenshot for illustration.


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