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Post #4622 Опубликовано

In advanced layout, enabled bottom sticky panel then enable “Link to Home Page”.

If you turn on “Display titles for panel items” the icon of link to home page breaks. See attached screenshot.



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Post #4626 Опубликовано

@Jacek thanks for the bug report.

To be more precise, to fix it you need:
- add a language variable abt__ut2.settings.general.sticky_panel.home

- delete the selected element


in the Design/Templates/abt__unitheme2/templates/addons/abt__unitheme2/hooks/index/content.post.tpl


- completely clear cache via command ?cc&ctpl


Post #4634 Опубликовано

@ab.support.serjthanks for that, that resolved it. 

How can I change the highlighted colour when a bottom sticky link is active? I am using advanced layout and white style and my decorative colour is #ff9900 in theme settings.

Currently the bottom sticky panels when active they are  highlighted with a dark grey which is difficult to distinguish from non-active links.

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Post #4738 Опубликовано
В 12.07.2023 в 17:09, ab.support.serj сказал:

@Jacek thanks for the bug report.

To be more precise, to fix it you need:
- add a language variable abt__ut2.settings.general.sticky_panel.home

- delete the selected element


in the Design/Templates/abt__unitheme2/templates/addons/abt__unitheme2/hooks/index/content.post.tpl


- completely clear cache via command ?cc&ctpl


Сделал по вашей рекомендации, не помогает, вот что получилось в итоге. Все равно иконки битые.

<a href="{$url|fn_url}" class="ut2-sticky-panel__link{if $smarty.request.dispatch=="index.index"} active{/if}"><i class="ut2-icon-home_page"></i>{if $settings.abt__ut2.general.sticky_panel.enable_sticky_panel_labels[$settings.abt__device] == "YesNo::YES"|enum}<span>{__("abt__ut2.settings.general.sticky_panel.home")}</span>{/if}</a>


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